July 22, 2007

Perjalanan Hidup

Today, I forgot to bring Hendra's camera, so I used my small camera yg uda agak2 rusak dan suka goyang2 sendiri =( so... some pictures are blurry, and we didnt take that many pictures this week. Maap. Nonetheless, we had a great service today. The Gym looks brighter and cleaner, thanks to those who worked hard in Kerja Bakti yesterday, the walls are all repainted!

Sermon today was given by Rev. Benny Tan. Worship Leader: Mei Mei Tan. And Michael lead the music team with the piano. What a testimony and blessing this family is! ^_^ We have a new singer: Lloyd , returning singer : Ayrin, and faithful singer : Sandy
complete musicians : Cath, Eric, Hendra and William MJ.
Ushers : Deborah & Agnes
Birthdays : Pdt. Hengkie Tjahjadi! and Om Yakub Halimwidjaya
Food : thanks to Halimwidjaya family (ada tahu isi, mi goreng, sup, wahh smua makan sampe kekenyangan. hihihi)

After lunch, ada latihan angklung. We practiced lumayan lama loh (liat di foto2 tu, sampe jam 3 lebih!! uwih) Sampe pegel2. hehehe. We'll perform next week in All Church Service, 10:30am. Dateng yaaa!

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