April 29, 2007

Joint Service

Today, we had a multi-cultural-congregation service. English, Spanish, Indonesian and Korean church have one service in sanctuary together at 10:30am. It's a little bit too early for indonesian (our regular service starts at 11:15am) but some of us came even earlier --> choir practice, lipet2 warta, sibuk2 dapur, etc2.

Service started with praise and worship from the English worship band, we sang Awesome is The Lord Most High and How Great is Our God lead by Pst. Eric Lapp. It felt good to sing together as a one big church. Jarang2 liat sanctuary penuh. hehehe.

After that, each congregation pastor gave 5-min sermon, followed by music presentation. Pst. Hengkie went first, followed by the choir. =D They sang "Kucinta Kau", accompanied by piano and power-point. No photograph was taken at this time (all photographers were unavailable -- MJ(choir), Monica(usher), Martha(powerpoint), Cath(piano). huwaaa) So .... until I find someone else took the picture, here's the powerpoint.-_-"

lunch time, lots and lots of food! There are two looong tables filled with food from various cultural background. Ada bulgoki, kimchee, fishcakes, lasagna, chicken in at least 5 different kinds, and much2 more. From Indo church, Martha cooked at least two big pots of semur and fried wonton. It was at the other end of the long table so banyak org2 indo langsung loncat kesana ajah. Hahaha. Masih panas2 ngepul2. nyammmm. Enakk.

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