June 29, 2008

Joint Service

We have joint service today!!
Our music team presented the song, Yesus, lead by Edo.
Since it is a joint service, each congregation took part for the sermons.
English congregation shared about Father Abraham.
How Abraham had been tested to sacrifice his only son. How he reacted instantly as soon as God commanded him; he was not even thinking when to sacrifice his son, he started moving right the next morning. He believed that God has His own plan and he will follow everything.

Spanish shared about living in harmony. many nations worship one God.
Korean shared about being Jesus's servant of righteousness; we already paid in full by the blood of Jesus, so our life is for Him.

Indonesian shared about how you should follow God.
One who loves his daughter more than Him, is not worthy of Him.
One who loves his mother or father more than Him, is not worthy of Him.

Lastly, POTLUCK!!!!! and today, we have lots and lots and lots of good food. hehehe

June 22, 2008


Today, Arrio shared with us about his spiritual journey before he got baptized.
from a skeptic person, he chose to be baptized.
how is that possible? anything can happen :D
He mentioned that if you always wait and wait to follow God, waiting for His sign, etc
you will end up with nothing. Not even getting close to God.
Therefore, commit to God first and He will guide you to know Him bit by bit.
Pastor Hengkie was the one who baptized him, and Pastor Victor prayed for him.

June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Hari ini papa-papa diuji pengetauhannya..apa warna favorite istrinya masing2.
seru..ternyata ga semua orang tau walaupun sudah berkeluarga :p
kotbah hari ini, related to perumpamaan anak yang hilang
why did the father let his son go ? he wants to his child to learn, from his wrong doings.
why the father did not look for his child ? because the father knows that his child knows the way back home
why did the father still welcome his child ? because he loves his child!
Ternyata papa itu orang yang sangat considerate :D

we sang DU(Desiring You) song, Sweetterrrrrrrr.
Everyday with You Lord
Is sweeter than the day before
Everyday with You Lord
sweeter than the day before

Every morning I will worship,
every evening I'll adore
Cause everyday with You is sweeter,
sweeter than the day before

Lastly, happy birthday Eugenie.

June 08, 2008


Yesus, Kau lah sahabatku
Yesus, Kau yang akan selalu berada disisiku
Kau sumber kuatku
Yesus, Kau lah sahabatku
Yesus, kau yang tak pernah jemu-jemu disisiku
Kau sumber kuatku

A good song's reff yang remind kita kalau kita tidak pernah sendiri
and kita nyanyi 2 kali hari ini, still people ga jemu-jemu nyanyi :P
Terus disambung ama kotbah pastor Hengkie tentang "melayani ama tanggungjawab"
di jelaskan kalau Tuhan Yesus datang ke dunia untuk melayani
dan kita pun sebagai pengikutnya dianjurkan untuk saling melayani satu sama lain.
perumpamaan : Yesus mencuci kaki murid-muridnya

lastly, Tante Titin (Hartati Santoso) ulang tahun minggu kemarin..happy birthday!!