December 06, 2008
October 04, 2008
Apakah damai ?
Apakah benar damai yang kita rasakan takkala kita korupsi 5 juta, dan selanjutnya memberi sumbangan 1 juta ke panti asuhan ?
Damai tidak dapat terjadi apabila kita jauh dari Tuhan. Karena hanya dengan dekat dengan Dia, mematuhi dan menjalankan perintahNya, berserah dan mangakui bahwa Dia lah Juru selamat, barulah kita akan merasakan damai yang sebenarnya.
Apakah benar damai yang kita rasakan takkala kita korupsi 5 juta, dan selanjutnya memberi sumbangan 1 juta ke panti asuhan ?
Damai tidak dapat terjadi apabila kita jauh dari Tuhan. Karena hanya dengan dekat dengan Dia, mematuhi dan menjalankan perintahNya, berserah dan mangakui bahwa Dia lah Juru selamat, barulah kita akan merasakan damai yang sebenarnya.
Ams. 15:13
Hati yang gembira membuat muka berseri-seri, tetapi kepedihan hati mematahkan semangat.
Ams. 17:22
Hati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur, tetapi semangat yang patah mengeringkan tulang.
Bersukacitalah senantiasa dalam Tuhan!
Hati yang gembira membuat muka berseri-seri, tetapi kepedihan hati mematahkan semangat.
Ams. 17:22
Hati yang gembira adalah obat yang manjur, tetapi semangat yang patah mengeringkan tulang.
Bersukacitalah senantiasa dalam Tuhan!
Kita memulai kembali topik buah-buah roh
Sumber kasih adalah Yesus sendiri. Oleh karena itu, apabila kita tidak memiliki hubungan yang dekat denganNya, kasih yang kita miliki lambat laun akan berkurang dan hilang. "..Dan sekalipun aku membagi-bagikan segala sesuatu yang ada padaku, bahkan menyerahkan tubuhku untuk dibakar, tetapi jika aku tidak mempunyai kasih, sedikitpun tidak ada faedahnya bagiku. "
Thank you Pastor Hengkie for the message..
Sumber kasih adalah Yesus sendiri. Oleh karena itu, apabila kita tidak memiliki hubungan yang dekat denganNya, kasih yang kita miliki lambat laun akan berkurang dan hilang. "..Dan sekalipun aku membagi-bagikan segala sesuatu yang ada padaku, bahkan menyerahkan tubuhku untuk dibakar, tetapi jika aku tidak mempunyai kasih, sedikitpun tidak ada faedahnya bagiku. "
Thank you Pastor Hengkie for the message..
September 07, 2008
Om is BacK!
Welcome back Pastor Hengkie, with his new nice glasses also.
So, he shared about his journey in Indonesia
~20 times gave sermons in 5 weeks.hehe..and some of them is about political topic..wohoo
Hari ini, pastor Hengkie kotbah tentang serving God
- Dalam mengikut Yesus, kita harus selalu memiliki keinginan kuat yang positive, yang tak pernah hilang dimakan waktu
- dan bila kau merasa tidak ada joy ato merasa terpaksa, adalah baik apabila berhenti melayani dan melihat ulang apa yang sebenarnya kau lakukan.
So, he shared about his journey in Indonesia
~20 times gave sermons in 5 weeks.hehe..and some of them is about political topic..wohoo
Hari ini, pastor Hengkie kotbah tentang serving God
- Dalam mengikut Yesus, kita harus selalu memiliki keinginan kuat yang positive, yang tak pernah hilang dimakan waktu
- dan bila kau merasa tidak ada joy ato merasa terpaksa, adalah baik apabila berhenti melayani dan melihat ulang apa yang sebenarnya kau lakukan.
August 31, 2008
MJ Farewell
You've touched my heart,
You've helped me through,
My pain and sorrow,
which weren't too few.
You shared my smiles,
and my tears.
You were always there,
to squelch my fears.
To you my friend and confidant,
I give my heart of love,
My smiles of laughter,
and the hope that,
We will remain friends,
forever and after.
You've helped me through,
My pain and sorrow,
which weren't too few.
You shared my smiles,
and my tears.
You were always there,
to squelch my fears.
To you my friend and confidant,
I give my heart of love,
My smiles of laughter,
and the hope that,
We will remain friends,
forever and after.
August 24, 2008
Materi = Evil ?
Ayat Alkitab = Amsal 30:8-9
8. Jauhkanlah dari padaku kecurangan dan kebohongan. Jangan berikan kepadaku kemiskinan atau kekayaan. Biarkanlah aku menikmati makanan yang menjadi bagianku.
9. Supaya, kalau aku kenyang, aku tidak menyangkal-Mu dan berkata: Siapa TUHAN itu? Atau, kalau aku miskin, aku mencuri, dan mencemarkan nama Allahku.
Bagaimanakah kita harus memandang materi ?
-Materi adalah pemberian Allah bagi kita untuk dinikmati; materi itu baik
-Materi dapat membawa seseorang jauh dari Tuhan; materi itu bisa berbahaya
-Kondisi materi seseorang bukanlah spiritual parameter
Orang yang kaya bisa memiliki hidup yang lebih spiritual daripada orang yang miskin.
Begitu pula sebaliknya.
-Bagaimana kita menggunakan materi, itu terserah anda; yang terpenting adalah untuk apa kita gunakan materi itu, dan kita dapat mempertanggungjawabkannya pada Allah.
8. Jauhkanlah dari padaku kecurangan dan kebohongan. Jangan berikan kepadaku kemiskinan atau kekayaan. Biarkanlah aku menikmati makanan yang menjadi bagianku.
9. Supaya, kalau aku kenyang, aku tidak menyangkal-Mu dan berkata: Siapa TUHAN itu? Atau, kalau aku miskin, aku mencuri, dan mencemarkan nama Allahku.
Bagaimanakah kita harus memandang materi ?
-Materi adalah pemberian Allah bagi kita untuk dinikmati; materi itu baik
-Materi dapat membawa seseorang jauh dari Tuhan; materi itu bisa berbahaya
-Kondisi materi seseorang bukanlah spiritual parameter
Orang yang kaya bisa memiliki hidup yang lebih spiritual daripada orang yang miskin.
Begitu pula sebaliknya.
-Bagaimana kita menggunakan materi, itu terserah anda; yang terpenting adalah untuk apa kita gunakan materi itu, dan kita dapat mempertanggungjawabkannya pada Allah.
August 17, 2008
Focus on God
Pastor Victor lead our sunday service today.
His message came from Matthew-when Jesus and His disciples were sailing on the sea.
The church is the ship; we must cross the lake; out from our comfort zone, and spread the gospel. However, that does not mean we won't face any storm; we will. Yet, stay focus on God, and you will do fine.
The gym was packed today; lots of DVC student, Welcomeeee!!!
His message came from Matthew-when Jesus and His disciples were sailing on the sea.
The church is the ship; we must cross the lake; out from our comfort zone, and spread the gospel. However, that does not mean we won't face any storm; we will. Yet, stay focus on God, and you will do fine.
The gym was packed today; lots of DVC student, Welcomeeee!!!
August 10, 2008
Give thanks
"apa yang kau rela untuk berikan, itulah yang Tuhan lihat"
Tak peduli kau memberi $100, tapi bila kau sebenarnya hanya rela $5, $5 dollar lah yang Tuhan lihat.
Ayat bacaan di ambil dari Markus 12:41-44.
Dalam memberi persembahan, haruslah dengan kerelaan, cinta dan ucapan syukur; bukan memberi untuk mendapatkan berkat. Kita sudah di berkati oleh Tuhan, sudah sepantasnya kita bersyukur oleh karenanya.
August 03, 2008
Be Holy
Today is the first sunday without Pastor Hengkie.
Pastor Eric Lapp lead today sermon on how we are connected through God.
The topic was derived from Matthew 28:16-20
you cannot be a pro-founding influence if you don't know about it.
As a christian, we are supposed to be holy;
we need to be transformed to be like God-
love your God,
love your neighbors.
And that's how we are connected to God;
because we have the same purpose for life, be Holy!
And for the lunch, it was provided by Tante Yana, Curry chicken, tahu balado, and various vegi. THank you tante Yana.
Pastor Eric Lapp lead today sermon on how we are connected through God.
The topic was derived from Matthew 28:16-20
you cannot be a pro-founding influence if you don't know about it.
As a christian, we are supposed to be holy;
we need to be transformed to be like God-
love your God,
love your neighbors.
And that's how we are connected to God;
because we have the same purpose for life, be Holy!
And for the lunch, it was provided by Tante Yana, Curry chicken, tahu balado, and various vegi. THank you tante Yana.
July 27, 2008
Less people came today, but the worship team were still on fire singing for God.hehe
Edo lead the music team
with Cath and Amanda played keyboard;
Arrio and Ben played Bass and Guitar,
Hendra with his drum,
Astrid and Daniel as singers.
Pastor Hengkie memimpin kotbah setelah kembali dari liburan seminggu dengan keluarga.
Ayat bacaan di ambil dari Lukas 11:33-36
Pelita yang dimaksud Yesus : Iman
Fungsi dari Pelita : cahaya (untuk menerangi orang lain/ menjadi berkat)
Apa yang perlu diperhatikan : perhatikanlah supaya terangmu tidak menjadi redup atau menghilang (kita kerap kali membatasi cahaya kita untuk menjadi berkat bagi sesama).
Menu makan siang....Gado-gado; with Sago as dessert.
July 26, 2008
Youth Gathering
Another Youth Gathering this year!!!
Llyod shared on how to view everything positively. We might happen to feel dissapointed or encounter failure in our everyday life, but we should always remember that everything which happened was not outside God's purpose on us; therefore, think positively and move on. Daniel then continued the talk; it's about bitterness in life and how to think positively. The topic then expanded to our everyday life's issue: cheating in exam, relationship, etc. In short summary, we should not judge/compare others with what we are doing; do your own thing which you think is the correct way.
Good news.. music team grows in number, Amanda, Astrid and Ben joined our music team.
And, thank you for Daniel who coordinated the event and prepared the fun game.
Llyod shared on how to view everything positively. We might happen to feel dissapointed or encounter failure in our everyday life, but we should always remember that everything which happened was not outside God's purpose on us; therefore, think positively and move on. Daniel then continued the talk; it's about bitterness in life and how to think positively. The topic then expanded to our everyday life's issue: cheating in exam, relationship, etc. In short summary, we should not judge/compare others with what we are doing; do your own thing which you think is the correct way.
Good news.. music team grows in number, Amanda, Astrid and Ben joined our music team.
And, thank you for Daniel who coordinated the event and prepared the fun game.
July 20, 2008
Indonaz 9th Anniversary
9 years ago, Indonesian Church of Nazarene began their service.
Happy Birthday to Indonaz!!!!!!
We had a cake and simple decoration for the celebration.
Also, congratulations to the new music director that has been announced today, Catherine Muljadi.
Pastor Hengkie talked about us be a blessing for others (Genesis 12:1-3)
The passage was taken from Abraham's way of life.
After that, angklung group performed at the end of the sermon.
3 Worship Leader were on the stage today, with Mei-Mei Tan as the head.
Edo helped the backup singers Sandy and Petra, while Lloyd sang along and played guitar.
Aside, the committee of Indonaz-San_Ramon has been established today; let's pray that this new service really be a blessing for others.
And.....Happy Birthday to Pastor Hengkie.
July 13, 2008
A New Beginning
Happy Sunday!!!
today, Indonaz grows more.
Di mulai dengan musik team; kita ada drummer baru, Daniel!!!!
spending summer di dvc sambil belajar drum di gereja.
second, panitia perintis indonaz-san_ramon diresmikan minggu depan
Kita ada pengkotbah baru, Stefanus Jasin!!!
Stefanus shared ama kita tentang iman.
Dimulai dengan bagaimana kita menanggapi iman. Apakah hanya dengan iman semua bisa teratasi ?
Apakah cukup dengan iman, kita bisa sembuh dari penyakit ?
2 ayat alkitab dikutib, Matius 7:7-9 dan Markus 9:17-27.
Adalah wajar apabila ada keraguan di dalam iman kita kepada Tuhan.
Abraham di minta Tuhan untuk pergi tanpa membawa apapun, tapi dia tetap membawa beberapa hartanya sebelum keluar dari tempat tinggalnya menuju tempat yang dijanjikan Tuhan.
Musa pun berdiskusi dengan Tuhan sebelum pada akhirnya dia bersedia untuk diutus ke Mesir.
beberapa poin penting dari 2 ayat yang dibahas:
1. Tidak semua permintaan kita akan dikabulkan.
Analogy: Apabila orangtua kita bertanya, mau apa dari indonesia untuk dibawa ke US, itu tidak berarti kita bisa meminta apa saja dan akan dikabulkan.
2. Permohonan ditolak bukan berarti kurang iman.
Allah (orangtua kita) memiliki pengetauhan tentang apakah yang benar-benar kita butuhkan. jadi apabila permohonan kita tidak dikabulkan, itu bukan sepenuhnya karena kita kurang beriman.
And....Happy Birthday to Robbie Hidayat, Mei-Mei Chua, and Lloyd's Mom.
June 29, 2008
Joint Service
We have joint service today!!
Our music team presented the song, Yesus, lead by Edo.
Since it is a joint service, each congregation took part for the sermons.
English congregation shared about Father Abraham.
How Abraham had been tested to sacrifice his only son. How he reacted instantly as soon as God commanded him; he was not even thinking when to sacrifice his son, he started moving right the next morning. He believed that God has His own plan and he will follow everything.
Spanish shared about living in harmony. many nations worship one God.
Korean shared about being Jesus's servant of righteousness; we already paid in full by the blood of Jesus, so our life is for Him.
Indonesian shared about how you should follow God.
One who loves his daughter more than Him, is not worthy of Him.
One who loves his mother or father more than Him, is not worthy of Him.
Lastly, POTLUCK!!!!! and today, we have lots and lots and lots of good food. hehehe
Our music team presented the song, Yesus, lead by Edo.
Since it is a joint service, each congregation took part for the sermons.
English congregation shared about Father Abraham.
How Abraham had been tested to sacrifice his only son. How he reacted instantly as soon as God commanded him; he was not even thinking when to sacrifice his son, he started moving right the next morning. He believed that God has His own plan and he will follow everything.
Spanish shared about living in harmony. many nations worship one God.
Korean shared about being Jesus's servant of righteousness; we already paid in full by the blood of Jesus, so our life is for Him.
Indonesian shared about how you should follow God.
One who loves his daughter more than Him, is not worthy of Him.
One who loves his mother or father more than Him, is not worthy of Him.
Lastly, POTLUCK!!!!! and today, we have lots and lots and lots of good food. hehehe
June 22, 2008
Today, Arrio shared with us about his spiritual journey before he got baptized.
from a skeptic person, he chose to be baptized.
how is that possible? anything can happen :D
He mentioned that if you always wait and wait to follow God, waiting for His sign, etc
you will end up with nothing. Not even getting close to God.
Therefore, commit to God first and He will guide you to know Him bit by bit.
Pastor Hengkie was the one who baptized him, and Pastor Victor prayed for him.
from a skeptic person, he chose to be baptized.
how is that possible? anything can happen :D
He mentioned that if you always wait and wait to follow God, waiting for His sign, etc
you will end up with nothing. Not even getting close to God.
Therefore, commit to God first and He will guide you to know Him bit by bit.
Pastor Hengkie was the one who baptized him, and Pastor Victor prayed for him.
June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Hari ini papa-papa diuji pengetauhannya..apa warna favorite istrinya masing2.
seru..ternyata ga semua orang tau walaupun sudah berkeluarga :p
kotbah hari ini, related to perumpamaan anak yang hilang
why did the father let his son go ? he wants to his child to learn, from his wrong doings.
why the father did not look for his child ? because the father knows that his child knows the way back home
why did the father still welcome his child ? because he loves his child!
Ternyata papa itu orang yang sangat considerate :D
we sang DU(Desiring You) song, Sweetterrrrrrrr.
Everyday with You Lord
Is sweeter than the day before
Everyday with You Lord
sweeter than the day before
Every morning I will worship,
every evening I'll adore
Cause everyday with You is sweeter,
sweeter than the day before
Lastly, happy birthday Eugenie.
June 08, 2008
Yesus, Kau lah sahabatku
Yesus, Kau yang akan selalu berada disisiku
Kau sumber kuatku
Yesus, Kau lah sahabatku
Yesus, kau yang tak pernah jemu-jemu disisiku
Kau sumber kuatku
A good song's reff yang remind kita kalau kita tidak pernah sendiri
and kita nyanyi 2 kali hari ini, still people ga jemu-jemu nyanyi :P
Terus disambung ama kotbah pastor Hengkie tentang "melayani ama tanggungjawab"
di jelaskan kalau Tuhan Yesus datang ke dunia untuk melayani
dan kita pun sebagai pengikutnya dianjurkan untuk saling melayani satu sama lain.
perumpamaan : Yesus mencuci kaki murid-muridnya
lastly, Tante Titin (Hartati Santoso) ulang tahun minggu kemarin..happy birthday!!
May 24, 2008
May 18, 2008
We have a new guest speaker today, Pastor Boya Faust. He delivered a great message about Spreading God's Word all over the world. He presented us with many interesting statistics about Christians in other countries, especially Indonesia! Pastor Hengkie said, Pst. Boya has more knowledge about Indonesian facts and history than he does. We learned a lot today from him. Thank you very much, Pst. Boya!
New singer today : Petra M. =)
New song : I Know Who I Am (by Israel Houghton) -- not an easy song for the musicians and singers to learn, but we managed. hahaha.
It's final week in DVC and UC Berkeley, so good luck to you all students!!
New singer today : Petra M. =)
New song : I Know Who I Am (by Israel Houghton) -- not an easy song for the musicians and singers to learn, but we managed. hahaha.
It's final week in DVC and UC Berkeley, so good luck to you all students!!
May 11, 2008
May 04, 2008
May 2008
First and foremost, sorry nieh blog udah beberapa minggu tidak di-update... i've been out on vacation for couple of weeks, jadi sedikit ketinggalan deh sama update2 gereja. But I'm back now! Thanks for those who faithfully check this blog and following our church's activity/pictures (and marahin me gara2 dah lama gak update. hahahaha) I really appreciate it! Jadi lebih smangat deee upload2 foto. Trima kasi yaaaa
March 09, 2008
March 02, 2008
Back to 11am
Mulai hari ini (Minggu ini) kebaktian Indonaz kembali dimulai pada pk.11:00 pagi. Sama seperti dulu pada waktu awal2 kita kebaktian di Jones Building. I think it works very well today. Karna masih pertama kali, dimaklumilah kalau jam 11:00 masih sedikit yang baru datang. Jadi tadi kita mulainya juga agak telat, jam 11:08? hehehe. Moga2 di minggu2 yang akan datang jemaat bisa datang lebih early, jadi kita bisa benar2 mulai jam 11am.
Photos are posted, klik on the picture above to see today's album. Somehow, ada extra "Sungai Sukacita" mengalir di Indonaz hari ini. Check out the pictures, banyak yang smilessss =D (contoh : ya foto di atas itu =p)
Happy Birthday to Arrio, Ev. Benny, dan Samuel!
February 24, 2008
February 17, 2008
Sermon : Pst. Hengky Suryantyo
Worship Leader : Lloyd Devaraj
Singers : Sandy, Nico. & Hengkie
Musicians : Inez, William, Hendra, Eric, Cath, & Hengkie
Ushers : Hartati & Herawati
Food: Halim/Purnawan Family
Cleaning : Fuk Nyan, Arlene, Andre, Edwin, Junaidi
Sunday School : Chiu and Chua Family
PRI : Andereas & Samuel
Dont forget our ski trip this saturday!! Contact Oscar or Hendra or Winsen if you're interested. See y'all there!!
Worship Leader : Lloyd Devaraj
Singers : Sandy, Nico. & Hengkie
Musicians : Inez, William, Hendra, Eric, Cath, & Hengkie
Ushers : Hartati & Herawati
Food: Halim/Purnawan Family
Cleaning : Fuk Nyan, Arlene, Andre, Edwin, Junaidi
Sunday School : Chiu and Chua Family
PRI : Andereas & Samuel
Dont forget our ski trip this saturday!! Contact Oscar or Hendra or Winsen if you're interested. See y'all there!!
February 10, 2008
February 03, 2008
January 27, 2008
January 06, 2008
Happy New Year 2008!!
Selamat Tahun Baru.
Seperti yg ditulis di warta hari ini,
"semoga kita semua menjadi lebih bijaksana dan makin penuh syukur kepada Tuhan" Aminnnn.
We started our Service with a simple song,
"This is The Day" that The Lord has made.
Hari ini hariNya Tuhan.
Since this is the first Sunday of the year, the worship leader, Lloyd, led us to sing "Tahun Ini Tahunnya Tuhan!"
Yes. This is the YEAR that The Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!
Selamat Tahun Baru.
Seperti yg ditulis di warta hari ini,
"semoga kita semua menjadi lebih bijaksana dan makin penuh syukur kepada Tuhan" Aminnnn.
We started our Service with a simple song,
"This is The Day" that The Lord has made.
Hari ini hariNya Tuhan.
Since this is the first Sunday of the year, the worship leader, Lloyd, led us to sing "Tahun Ini Tahunnya Tuhan!"
Yes. This is the YEAR that The Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!
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