June 24, 2007
June 17, 2007
Hari Bapak 2007
Hari ini gak seramai hari ibu last month, cuma ada beberapa bapak2 yang bisa dateng jadi gereja agak sepi. But not really affecting spirit kebaktian and acara2 hari ini :) Today, like what Pst. Hengkie said, we give praise and worship to our Father in Heaven, and celebrate our gratefulness for our fathers on earth. Lagu hari ini jadi banyak bertema : Bapa. (kemaren latihan musik jadi sadar, ternyata lagu bertema Bapa itu buanyak sekali!!)
After sermon, we presented a simple slideshow buat bapak2, isinya kalimat2 dari anak2 (some sunday school, some older) for their fathers. It was really cute. Nia said "Daddy, I love it when we spend time together"... awwwww. (there were lots of awwww). For the complete presentation, klik the picture below.
Then Pst. Hengkie called all the bapak2 maju ke depan, trus instead of flowers kaya di Mother's Day, bapak2 dapet T-Shirts. Tulisannya macem2, ada DAD, Grandpa, Coolest Dad, etc etc. They loved it and langsung dipake saat itu juga!!
The food?? hohoho .... the best!! Kaum ibu2 selalu punya ide unik buat appreciate para bapak, kali ini temanya LESEHAN. Jadi mereka siapin tikar gedeeee buat bapak2 duduk berleseh.
Here's the menu : Ikan goreng (Satu bapak satu ekor!), nasi kuning+abon, ayam goreng kalasan, perkedel, urap2, sambel goreng tahu+tempe, mi goreng campur, and kerupuk udang. Terus buat dessert, ada buah2an segar dipotong2 & ditaro di keranjang semangka. (Liat foto deh, susah jelasinnya)
Happy Birthday to EUGENIE TJAHJADI !!
Kata Pst. H, bday kali ini dikasih kado anjing kecil, hari ini dibawa tuh, keciiiilll. so cute.
Congratulation for Monica Tanuwidjaja, master graduate from Stanford University. Sayang kita gak bisa rame2 dateng soalnya commencement waktu kebaktian. Tapi foto2nya tetep ditunggu yaaah!! Congrats again!!
Church Anniversary next week!!!
Don't miss it!! See yaaaaaa
June 10, 2007
Lapangkanlah Tempat Kemahmu
June 03, 2007
Its June Already!!
Seperti yg dikatakan worship leader kita today, gk kerasa tau2 udah bulan Juni, udah mau pertengahan tahun 2007. June is a busy month! Panitia retreat, panitia hari bapak, dan panitia hut are going to be meeting a LOT this couple of weeks! Many important events coming up. God has blessed us so much in the past five months, but I believe the best of 2007 is still yet to come ^_^
Our service began today with a major technical difficulty, projector buat power point gak mau nyala!! wadoh wadoh. Pada panik semua deh. Kabel2 & alat2 dikutak katik, dicoba2, test2, colok2, tepok2, masih gk nyala juga. Worship team lumayan concern soal fast praise-songs, gk mungkin lagu Awesome in This Place bisa dinyanyiin tanpa text. Udah baru, cepet, di awal2, bhs inggris lageh! Tapi setelah semua creative ideas dikeluarin (like lagu2 cepet dipelanin, or pake OHP, or fotocopy all music sheets buat jemaat, or Martha lead with Winsen bacain text, etc. etc) akhirnya kita pake portable video projector, tarik kabel panjaaaaang, and ppt bisa dinyalain. Horeeee. God is Awesome in this place! ^^
Then the worship service went smoothly. Ada persembahan lagu dari Bapak dan Ibu Halimwidjaya. As always, very inspiring =) Pdt. Hengkie challenged the youth, "anak muda bisa gak nyanyi tanpa musik?" hehehe... maybe we should try that sometimes =D
Happy birthday to Steffi & Lisbeth (Tia) !!
and thanks to Djatikusuma family for the SOTO yg super enakkk! *bisik2*dan sambelnya* hehehe